Climate change is having dramatic and harmful effects on poorer nations that are less able to cope with the changes than industrialised countries.
Adam Hart-Davis visits the Massai region in Kenya to see the effects of a three-year drought.
The video clip vividly shows the effects of climate change. The lack of rain is making it almost impossible for the local people to live on their land. Some must travel 45 miles to buy clean drinking water.
The Massai are herds people. The changing climate means the seasonal rains have disappeared. Pasture land and water for their animals is disappearing. Kenya is typical of other areas of the world where climate change is causing droughts.
Whilst not as catastrophic as in Kenya, climate change in the UK will mean longer, drier summers and water restrictions are more likely to come into force.
The video clip allows children to see the effects of climate change. It also contrasts the availability of a basic resource such as water in the UK and Africa.
The class activity looks at the amount of water the children use every day.